

Consume and manipulate JSON API standard data in Redux with scary ease.

A Basic (But Powerful) Example

Below is a simple example. Hopefully, it should demonstrate how the individual pieces play together. With just a little bit of code, you get JSON API-compliant api calls, caching, loading status management, error-handling, and efficient React renders.

import { JSON_API_REQUEST, withItem, withQuery } from 'jason-api';

const fetchUsers = () => ({
    url: '/api/users',

const UsersList = ({ data, errors, isLoading }) =>
    isLoading ? (
        <YourLoadingComponent />
    ) : error ? (
        <YourErrorsComponent errors={errors} />
    ) : (
            {data.map(user => <EnhancedUser data={user} />)}

const EnhancedUsersList = withQuery({
    queryFactory: dispatch => dispatch(fetchUsers()),

const User = ({ data }) => (

const EnhancedUser = withItem()(User);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""