Talking to an API

Below is a couple simple examples of action creators. The only required options are the type (must be set to JASON_API_REQUEST) and url. This will make a request to the given URL, normalize the response, and update the store. Additionally, since we set the resourceType and resourceId, the meta data for that particular entity will be updated to reflect isLoading and error status.

JasonAPI action creators also play nice with our Higher Order Components, enabling intelligent caching, error-handling, and much more. There's plenty of additional, helpful options; so be sure to check the WIKI.

import { JASON_API_REQUEST } from 'jason-api';

const getUser = userId => ({
    url: `/api/users/${userId}`,
    resourceType: 'users',
    resourceId: userId,

 * NOTE: Since our payload contains the `type` and `id`, we can
 * choose to skip including those options like we did above.
const updateUser = (userId, attributes) => ({
    url: `/api/users/${userId}`,
    method: 'post',
    payload: {
        type: 'users',
        id: userId,

// JASON_API_REQUEST action creators return a Promise when dispatched.
dispatch(getUser('12345')).then(response =>

// Or Use Await if that's your thing
const result = await dispatch(updateUser('12345', { firstName: 'Enrique' }));

results matching ""

    No results matching ""