
withQuery triggers and manages any Promise that resolves to a JSON API response. With it, you get caching, loading status management, and error handling. This HOC pairs well with JASON_API_REQUEST action creators.

import { withQuery } from 'jason-api';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { getUser, updateUser } from './yourActions';

const User = ({
    isLoading, // Automatically updated based on the status of your queryFactory's Promise
    refetch, // Re-run your queryFactory.
    ...anyOtherDataInAJsonApiResponse // `meta`, `errors`, etc.
}) =>
    isLoading ? (
    ) : (
            <h1>{data.attributes.firstName} {data.attributes.lastName}</h1>

const enhance = withQuery({
    queryFactory: (dispatch, props) => dispatch(getUser(props.id)),
    expandResourceObjects: true,
    propsToWatch: ['id'],

const EnhancedUser = enhance(User);

Now, you can use the EnhancedUser component wherever you may need them. <EnhancedUser id="12345" />.


const enhance = withQuery({
    // queryFactory is a function that returns a Promise
    // that resolves to a JSON API response. HINT: Any
    // dispatch()'ed JASON_API_REQUEST fits this criteria.
    queryFactory: (dispatch, props) => dispatch(getUser(props.id)),

    // Determines how caching is handled.
    // `cacheFirst` (default) ➡ Initially load the cached query,
    //     but still trigger the `queryFactory` for an updated.
    // `cacheOnly` ➡ If a cached version exists, use that without
    //     triggering the `queryFactory`.
    // `noCache` ➡ Never use the cached version, always trigger `queryFactory`.
    cacheScheme: 'cacheFirst',

    // Should full resource objects be provided to your component? Otherwise,
    // the resource objects will only contain a `type` and `id`. This useful for
    // optimizing React renders. Generally, you will want `true` for single-item
    // response and `false` for collection responses. Your individual collection
    // items can then be individually grabbed from the redux store using
    // `withItem()`. `false` by default.
    expandResourceObjects: true,

    // Any time any of the given props change,
    // the queryFactory will be retriggered.
    propsToWatch: ['id'],

    // By default, JasonAPI assumes its reducer is keyed by `resourceObjects`.
    // If you change it for some reason (we don't recommend you do), you can
    // let `withQuery` know to look for it a different key.
    stateBranch: 'resourceObjects',

results matching ""

    No results matching ""